January 28, 2014

Something New...

Written by Ruby A. Iadeluca

I'm learning quickly,  that at my age, you can't necessarily grow your hair out to any fabulous length without a lot of extra effort to keep it from looking, well - fried!

My hair is currently layered and hangs (literally) to the bottoms of my shoulder blades. Which is great - if I had the time every morning to mousse it, dry it, tease it and curl it. I am proud, however, that I haven't had too many ponytail days.

As the years progress, my ponytail progressively gets thinner. I've always had fine hair, but over the last couple of years, it takes nearly as much product and teasing now, as it took me 25 years ago to get the famed "80's hair".

Whoop! There it is!
Let's just sum it up by saying, "That was a very long time ago.'

Now, I'm looking for something fresh. Not exorbitantly different. Just something that doesn't look like an overgrown shag. This post is from one of the blogs I follow and I've always loved her hair ideas. I had just pulled a few photos off of a google search I did last night; and then - should have known - I checked Kate's blog and saw that she had done exactly what I was hoping to accomplish.

What do you think?

She's got so many hair tutorials. I highly recommend her blog. The link, mentioned above, is also on my sidebar Favorite Sites list.

So really. Let me know what you think. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. I think that should be your next hair cut. Be daring and color it light too.
    PS: Love the "old" photo of you. : )


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