January 16, 2017

The Return to Mid-Life (in a sense)!

By Ruby A. Iadeluca


Just checking in.

Dare I say "I'm back."?

There's no proof of my re-entry into the blogosphere.  But truly, - I am.

I've actually just been doing a lot of pondering as of late.  A lot of very deep thinking.  A lot of alone time.  Maybe too much so.  And maybe that leads to too much thinking. Vicious cycle.

I've written.  Though I have not hit "publish" on anything.

Then I've re-written.  Still.. saving the draft, rather than publishing.

Then, ultimately, the little trash can icon is clicked once again.

I'm trying.  Really I am.

In a sense, I suppose, I'm finding my writer's voice - again.

See, when I started all of this in 2010 (10-10-10, to be exact), I had a lot of .... well, Stuff! that I needed to get out. And my love of writing was born. Almost instantly.  It wasn't a long labor. But one of those short ones. You know, the kind of labor where you don't even know you're in labor, you just think you're suffering from some indigestion? 

Exactly that! 

I could say "I don't know what the problem is now."  And that would be a fairly honest statement.

But, at the same time, I do have an inkling about why I'm so hung up on not being able to get anything worthy of reading typed out on my screen.

And that will all flow out in time, I'm sure.  The reasons, the doubts, the strengths and weaknesses.  All of these new aspects of myself that I'm discovering.  And rediscovering.

It's exciting.  It's scary.  It's a long road.  It's an adventure.

I hope you're all still there.  And I hope you're all still willing to take this journey with me.  I hope you're patient. If you're still there, then obviously you are.  But please feel free to comment and help prod me along.

Big inhale...

Slow exhale.....

Here we go!