I guess I have completely missed the boat or something. I think I am one of the few, the rare breed, the near extinct, rarely seen, almost mythological Nice Person.
What is wrong with people today? I sit here today, in my car, waiting in the high school parking lot for my son to come out so we can go home. Home from work. Home from practice. Home from the hustle and bustle, high-demand world. I am still calming myself, but find it very hard to do when I look around me and see so many idiots.
(I already know this post will probably make some people angry – or you will all agree with me and say “I know exactly what you mean! In fact just the other day…”)
I’m getting out of work and trying to get across town to deposit some books back into the library, stopped at stop signs (‘cause that’s what you’re supposed to do), waiting for the dimwits who must think that we don’t mind waiting while they don’t use their turn signal, but really plan to turn right in front of you.
And of course, the little old grannies, who must have had bad luck scheduling their monthly check-up at their doctor’s office because they’ve obviously gotten stuck in rush hour traffic. Sorry dear grandparents! I really, really love you. But everybody else’s grandparents are driving 35 mph in the 45 mph zone. And remember, it’s rush hour. I think the doctor’s offices should schedule all people over the age of 60 in the middle of the day, say between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. It really is for their own safety.
Upon entrance into the school parking lot, I find I have been thrust into the midst of all dummies! The special (and dominating) breed of ‘I Can Do Whatever I Want – Without Looking – And Everyone Can Just Wait For Me’. These people drive me nuts to NO END!! I mean, they don’t even waive and say thank you anymore. Remember when you could actually see people mouthing the words: “Go Ahead”, “I’m Sorry”, “Thank You”? Pure, blatant disregard for other people’s time. That’s what it is, in a nutshell, plain and simple, handed to you on a silver platter.
When are these ignoramuses going to realize that they’re making people angry when they do such foolish things like:
- Park in the no parking zone at the curb nearest the main entrance.
- Sit at a stop sign as if it were their own private parking spot.( She was either completely ignoring everyone lined up behind her or she was really that stupid!!
- Walking across the road without using the crosswalk (where I am willing to stop because the law tells me to), and then cross in front of me, because inside their peanut-sized brains, the rest of us have nothing better to do than sit and wait for them to sludge across – and all without a quick wave of the hand and the words “Oops, I’m sorry. Thanks for waiting.” mouthed back at me.
- Oh my gosh! You do not want to get me started on the cyclists….
All I’m asking is that there is more acknowledgements for the people (me and those law-abiding citizens like me) who sit there and are inconvenienced on a daily basis by those who deem themselves more special than the rest of us. Let me inform you that one of these days, your indifference will back-fire and you will be very sorry when the nice people whom you thought were all extinct rise up and fight back. Also let me inform you, that your behavior makes you look rather stupid. Do you realize that we sit here in our cars watching you perform your offensive behavior and think: Are they really that dumb or are they just that rude? Also, did you know that your behavior reflects on your parents? Your parents must have left you at the daycare for waaaay too long! Of course, I don’t know. Maybe you were like this as a child as well and your parents just couldn’t deal with it so they left you in front of the Atari as much as possible.
Well, I must say: I am feeling much better now. Thank you for listening to my rant. Please go out and be nice. Use the crosswalks (my tax dollars helped pay for them). Say thank you. Say that you’re sorry to those that you offend. Smile. Move when you’re in the way. And if you hear a horn honk and muffled yelling like it’s coming through a car window, yeah, that’s me!
Please read my similar post geared more towards the holidays at: http://sumofthisnthat.blogspot.com/2010/11/big-helping-of-manners-side-of-common.html