March 19, 2017

By Ruby A. Iadeluca

I came across this article earlier this evening in the December '16 issue of Psychology Today.  Actually, just more of a little blurb, I suppose:

It really fits in to (one of) my current struggle(s):  Finding the time to write.

If you look at my typical week, I'm sure it's just like yours:  Maxed out completely between work and running the kids around and picking them up and laundry and dishes and.....

You get my point.

I've always told myself:  I'll do it tomorrow...

Or that my wants aren't worthy enough to be scheduled between the important things in life.

But I think, all in all, these simple suggestions could be life-changing.  (Maybe?) I might actually get excited about something I've got scheduled, instead of wondering why on earth I made plans.

And I know.  Easier said than done

February 13, 2017

Thanks Saint Valentine!

By Ruby A. Iadeluca

Not quite sure how I feel about tomorrow: Valentine's Day.

For the first time in over 25 years I'll be getting through this one on my own.  Having mixed feelings, really. 

I'll tell you one thing I am enjoying, is pondering how I'm feeling about this. 

I haven't figured it out yet.

Just love Grumpy Cat!

It's just going to be really different watching everyone around me, and how seeing how they really respond to this holiday.  I guess I've never paid it much attention.  Until now.

Sorry.  I know this post may lead you to believe that I have some hostility towards Saint Valentine.

Really, I don't.  Whether you believe me or not, I don't. For realz, man!

I've never gotten much out of Valentine's Day; so I've nearly always had that little bit of envy when I hear about other's dates, gifts, proposals.  I've always thought, "One of these years...!"

One thing I did get - a day early - was this:

 Ok.  I didn't get a boot.  Psst!  It's under the boot...

Picture this:  Freshly showered.  Just getting ready to squirt some lotion into my hand when I see it.  This huge, nasty, beetle-bug-from-h@ll!  On my lotion bottle!

Needless to say, I screamed.

A few times.


I must have blacked out because I don't recall how I got the evil monstrosity to the floor.  But somehow, I did.

I then recall - dimly - sorting through several pair of shoes and boots that were nearby until quickly deciding that my own boot was flat-bottomed enough, and weighty enough, to do the job. 

  • Side note:  Finding just the right shoe?  The struggle is real, and you know it!  You simply can't have a sole that has too deep of crevices on the bottom, because the offending insect will surely side-step into a "safe-zone" and then fly up at you as soon as you lift the shoe just high enough to try to take a peek.  And you know that the shoe has to be firm.  Flimsy just doesn't cut it!  But it also needs to be of a medium weight.  Too heavy? Too light?  You're surely going to over- or under-swing in your moment of panicky weakness.  As I said, the struggle is real!
    I feel your pain, man.
Then I swung.  Just once.  Thank God!  That's all it took.  At least I think so.  My boot is still sitting on the behemoth as we speak.  I may have to forego wearing boots to work tomorrow.  Eh. It's almost Spring.  I'll live.

Since it's still under my boot, I drew a picture of it so that you could know first hand what I was dealing with this evening:

I think it actually had more eyeballs than this.

So since I've lived through this horrifying, terrible experience tonight (see above), I believe that I will be quite okay tomorrow (V-Day).

My plan is to sit back and observe.  Really get in touch with my inner feelings.  And eat more than a few stale conversation hearts that I've got in my desk drawer.

Enjoy yours! xoxo

January 16, 2017

The Return to Mid-Life (in a sense)!

By Ruby A. Iadeluca


Just checking in.

Dare I say "I'm back."?

There's no proof of my re-entry into the blogosphere.  But truly, - I am.

I've actually just been doing a lot of pondering as of late.  A lot of very deep thinking.  A lot of alone time.  Maybe too much so.  And maybe that leads to too much thinking. Vicious cycle.

I've written.  Though I have not hit "publish" on anything.

Then I've re-written.  Still.. saving the draft, rather than publishing.

Then, ultimately, the little trash can icon is clicked once again.

I'm trying.  Really I am.

In a sense, I suppose, I'm finding my writer's voice - again.

See, when I started all of this in 2010 (10-10-10, to be exact), I had a lot of .... well, Stuff! that I needed to get out. And my love of writing was born. Almost instantly.  It wasn't a long labor. But one of those short ones. You know, the kind of labor where you don't even know you're in labor, you just think you're suffering from some indigestion? 

Exactly that! 

I could say "I don't know what the problem is now."  And that would be a fairly honest statement.

But, at the same time, I do have an inkling about why I'm so hung up on not being able to get anything worthy of reading typed out on my screen.

And that will all flow out in time, I'm sure.  The reasons, the doubts, the strengths and weaknesses.  All of these new aspects of myself that I'm discovering.  And rediscovering.

It's exciting.  It's scary.  It's a long road.  It's an adventure.

I hope you're all still there.  And I hope you're all still willing to take this journey with me.  I hope you're patient. If you're still there, then obviously you are.  But please feel free to comment and help prod me along.

Big inhale...

Slow exhale.....

Here we go!